The frenchie co. speed wallet front view (正面)
The frenchie co. speed wallet back view (背面)
The frenchie co. speed wallet top view (上面)
4 card
The frenchie co. speed wallet inside view (裏面)
put in 14 pcs bills
compare with normal wallet after fill in the card and bills
size same with blackberry Q10
the frenchie co. speed wallet
I have purchase the frenchie co. speed wallet, after two months of use, I found this wallet very smart and quick. It is very fast to take out and put in the bills and card. Unfortunately, if you are a heavy card owner, this wallet is not very suitable for you. This wallet maximum can put in 10 card. For me is enough.
click for wallet official webside:
我购买了the frenchie co. 快速钱包,经过两个月的使用后,我发现这钱包太帅了。不管拿出还是放入钞票都非常方便快速!可惜的是,如果你是重度卡片拥有者,这款钱包可能不太适合你。这钱包最多只能放入10张卡片。对我来说是足够的了。